Wednesday, September 19, 2007

The Fischbowl

Well i just read an article from The Fischbowl talking about how important and great blogging is. Its inspiring really, but i agree 100%, this work that we present and put our total thoughts into it and really think it through allows us to expand in our knowledge about the outside of us and also gain responsibility, considering the youth is the worlds highest percentile in all the worlds population. if learn all this stuff about the outside it can never be to late to make a difference and with all the information in mind it may change the outlook on the way us humans do things. Change our lifestyles. Wow way to get out of my head, but i think this method is a great thing and allows us to do more. I don't know if this is the right paragraph for me to use my critical thinking on but I cant speak for others, as for me i want to know more and better yet i want to grow as a classroom in school and be able to sit down and have a serious talk about it. With this in mind i can come to class prepared with alot to say and actually learn something.

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