Sunday, October 28, 2007

Wikifield Presentations

I always wounder and think about my history in school. I always think about how much I have improved from my early year still now. Wouldnt it be cool to have a way to see all the work you have done from past semsters or clasess etc., Well in this article I read they found a way to do that. This method is called Wikifield. Wikifield is a folder program that you can use to save files and work. This is really special because if students started to use this method and used it alot, this would allow the students to use there past work for future reference and make there work better and excel. This allows you to look back and see what you did wrong and learn for next time. Truly what I think is, the best way to learn from your mistakes is to only learn from yourself. I mean you can learn alot from others but to truly learn from your mistakes is to think about self behaviors.

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