Thursday, November 1, 2007

The Colorado Rockies!!
The fans of there favorite teams swarmed the stadium but an equal amount of Rockies fans as well. An interesting season it has been and to tell you the truth about the way I feel about them I thought they were a horrible team, but still I had hope in them. Hope that one day would make a difference We need to appreciate the Rockies. There last score they achived, catapulted them into the world series: 21-1
When I found out this information out I was not only shocked, but proud. My confidence along with many others payed off. To even make the intensity more bold this is the FIRST world series the Rockies has ever been apart of. I cant beleive it, a professional team from colorado gets that opportunity, and I know this is reality but i still cant beleive it. You see i am a huge fan of baseball and to see them at their best made them my favorite. This season showed everone what there made of. They must have worked themselves pretty hard this year.
When the world series came my heart beated for them and no one else. My fire was strong and I felt like they were undefeatable. Day by day passed, and they played other teams and they won every team, until they played the Redsox. Now i cant tell you the amounts of fans there to see the Redsox but i can tell you from what i have herd there was an amazing amount. The Rockies lost the world series and the Redsox won. Still the rockies played with heart. They played as a team, a family as one. They gave it there all and when they lost they still kept their heads high!
Thats what a true team is. I think we should appreciate the Rockies as more of a family and be thrilled they made it as far as they did. I know i am proud and a HUGE fan!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Do Schools have birth control role?

"But teenagers are sexually active, and teen pregnancy is one of the largest reasons for the dropout of girls from high schools."
Wow, unbelivable.
I cant beleive that is one main reason of girl dropouts, and i wounder if they were just like me,
I want to wait till i find the right one to be sexually active...
Birthcontrol can be a fantastic thing and then again it has its limits.
It says from the essay:
Of every 1,000 girls ages 15-17 in the city, 54.5 will become pregnant
in the city, compared with 24.3 throughout Colorado, That is alot. Sex is a comanly thing messed with but can be very dangerous.
I beleiv they should be able to give birth control at school. I also beleive that the kid taking then should be able to decide for themselves if they should tell there mom or not. I think it should be confidential with that person and the school
so they feel confertable the help themselves and do whats right.

Monday, October 29, 2007

A Russian Cerial Killer...

how could you live a day without grieving about your past. How could you live a day knowing that you murdered and Innocent person, not just one but many. How could you go on in life without wondering why? How could you live your life and that ones life is taken away. Innocent blood.
I sware people are insane. "He later tried to confess to 63 murders in all. Prosecutors said they lacked the evidence to bring further charges and suggested that he might have been boasting. But several relatives of missing people turned up at his trial, and suspected him of killing their loved ones, too."
He has a life sentence. That's fare to me but not fare to the ones who you grief. He should be executed. Whats the right thing to do?
let him live in misery or live isolated? but now that i think about it i was always told to "do on to others as you would do on to you..."
i truly don't know what i think about it. but that's SO messed up.
I always think about this, alot of crimes that are made aren't always justified. Some get what they deserve and some don't, and when those people get out do they learn and move on and beg for forgiveness or go out and do it again? make the same mistake over and over again. Some people don't even get caught. But hey this world isn't perfect.
think about it?

Understanding Grief.

"The fire broke out at about 7 a.m. Sunday at a beach house on Ocean Isle Beach on the southern end of North Carolina’s Atlantic shore..."
The grief of the lost ones in the fire must be terrible. You don't really know the pain of loosing someone you love without personal experience.
You see I have lost someone very dear to me, my brother. We may not have been close at times but now that hes gone he means everything to me and I would give up everything to see him one more. SO many tragedies in the world today, a daily thing, some big some small but what can you do? nothing really. Its the worst feeling in the world, and you sometimes feel like its your fault or wish it was you, I would know. To get the call or whatever it is to hear that you son you brother of daughter or sister, or whatever relationship you had with that person, makes you see the sun set and nothing more. When i read this essay I felt the sorrow and when I saw the picture i saw the pain. That's horrible but uncontrollable. My prayers are with them.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Wikifield Presentations

I always wounder and think about my history in school. I always think about how much I have improved from my early year still now. Wouldnt it be cool to have a way to see all the work you have done from past semsters or clasess etc., Well in this article I read they found a way to do that. This method is called Wikifield. Wikifield is a folder program that you can use to save files and work. This is really special because if students started to use this method and used it alot, this would allow the students to use there past work for future reference and make there work better and excel. This allows you to look back and see what you did wrong and learn for next time. Truly what I think is, the best way to learn from your mistakes is to only learn from yourself. I mean you can learn alot from others but to truly learn from your mistakes is to think about self behaviors.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

In this paragraph I read about Pocasts. I think their brilliant. I think there a great way to allow the reader to understand the authors expressions. You see theres a big difference between text and voice. Text is of coarse an easy way of communication etc., but it doesn't show the true meaning behind it all. Voice is everything in words, sentences, and paragraphs. Anything that symbolizes someone talking or the mood . Podcasts are for everyone to hear and this tool is going to allow our class to express our believe papers with true meaning!

Monday, October 1, 2007

need to complete...

In the first couple weeks of school I created a "What matters collage." That was an interest to me because what matters to me i have a passion for. You see, when we created that if we have forgetten, allows us to be remined of what truly matters to us in our teenage years and that is important because we need to thrive here and there... Also i liek thsi unit because we get to know eachother better in the class and to the end have a disscusion about it. Just importantly as the Personal blog entrys.


On interstate 70 an 8 month old girl was ejected from a car in an accident with severe injuries. Her condition was immediately released with concerns.Wow,All the stuff in the world that happens is insane but the reality is that it isn't safe. Like the little things like car accidents still a big deal to those but it happens so often. For instance in the year 2004 it was reported that 2.6 million vehicle crashes, and 30% of all that were fatal. Also 13,192 lives were lost in speeding-related crashes. That is unbelievable, couldn't that be avoided if more people today wore seat belts and helmets? Then I wonder what the charts would be like today?That's an intense thing to think about but in my opinion we should take more care in our lives and do what right and what safe and take a reality check of this occurrence. We should take this into consideration.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Tragic accident.

At about 7 p.m on Saturday five people driving a Toyota 4-runner swerved to avoid 2 other vehicles rolled of a dirt road to there death near Colorado 14 at milespot 97. It was confirmed that that one person has died, the driver had minor injuries and so did the other passengers...
wow when i was reading that i got chills up my spine. It makes me have many questions and thoughts about driving. What future do i hold as a driver?
will i have a fate that leads to death driving?
that makes me scared to drive and sympathetic to the ones who have died from something like that...
i know one thing, i am going to be the most careful driver i can be and most responsible.

Speaking from the soal.

This article that just read is very important to me because i agree with him 100%. Me as the person i am today, find it elaborating to express the way I feel through writing. I can only express the way i feel through writing in that manor but most of all writing is a beautifull thing. You can never reach a limit with writing. You get to go out of your boundaries and explore your mind with endless possibilities. Now that's just one opinion but i think writing is great for school and allows a great discussion in class and leaves us all with something to think about. At least its not boring?

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

The Fischbowl

Well i just read an article from The Fischbowl talking about how important and great blogging is. Its inspiring really, but i agree 100%, this work that we present and put our total thoughts into it and really think it through allows us to expand in our knowledge about the outside of us and also gain responsibility, considering the youth is the worlds highest percentile in all the worlds population. if learn all this stuff about the outside it can never be to late to make a difference and with all the information in mind it may change the outlook on the way us humans do things. Change our lifestyles. Wow way to get out of my head, but i think this method is a great thing and allows us to do more. I don't know if this is the right paragraph for me to use my critical thinking on but I cant speak for others, as for me i want to know more and better yet i want to grow as a classroom in school and be able to sit down and have a serious talk about it. With this in mind i can come to class prepared with alot to say and actually learn something.

Languages Die, but Not Their Last Words

In this article named "Languages die but not their last words" brought a very important thought in my mind. To actually think of it the only well known spoken languages are English. Spanish, French. those are the most popular i guess you could say, but im only in what 9th grade? Thats all i have been tought and many others as well. We don't know about the other unspoken languages. And if the youth of the world doesn't know and if the elderly die off, who will know in the end? Well back to the article, this explain how world languages are dieing, but there are those few people that still have it fresh in there mind. It says "estimated 7,000 languages spoken in the world today, linguists say, nearly half are in danger of extinction and likely to disappear in this century. In fact, one falls out of use about every two weeks." wow thats crazy, and i would have never know to be that many. Its sad really to think that something so important to communication is forgotten or i should say pushed aside for a more popular language. Another thing that i picked up on this text is: "in bilingual cultures, as indigenous tongues are overwhelmed by the dominant language at school, in the marketplace and on television." That sentence just shows what crap has been put in the world. I mean, i understand that completely how the dominant language spoken near you, your going to want to speak as well. Its all about communication. Back to the summery, In this article Is describes how many languages existed...ill give an example: Amurdaga, language in the Northern Territory from this day has been declared extinct. To me the way i see it is if we as a world gave it time to learn about these cultures and learn others cultures languages basically expand what we know, who knows? endless possibilities. To end this summery, one thing that shocked me most and something to leave you here thinking is,
Another measure of the threat to many relatively unknown languages, Dr. Harrison said, is that 83 languages with “global” influence are spoken and written by 80 percent of the world population. Most of the others face extinction at a rate, the researchers said, that exceeds that of birds, mammals, fish and plants.
what shall we do?