Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Do Schools have birth control role?

"But teenagers are sexually active, and teen pregnancy is one of the largest reasons for the dropout of girls from high schools."
Wow, unbelivable.
I cant beleive that is one main reason of girl dropouts, and i wounder if they were just like me,
I want to wait till i find the right one to be sexually active...
Birthcontrol can be a fantastic thing and then again it has its limits.
It says from the essay:
Of every 1,000 girls ages 15-17 in the city, 54.5 will become pregnant
in the city, compared with 24.3 throughout Colorado, That is alot. Sex is a comanly thing messed with but can be very dangerous.
I beleiv they should be able to give birth control at school. I also beleive that the kid taking then should be able to decide for themselves if they should tell there mom or not. I think it should be confidential with that person and the school
so they feel confertable the help themselves and do whats right.


Kelsey C. said...

Lauren, I also wrote a blog about birth control being offered in schools. I somewhat agree with you. You said that birth control should be offered in schools, and teens can make their decision confidential or not. I am torn about birth control being offered in schools, isn't that also in a way encouraging sex. "Hey, kids we have condoms and birth control. Now its okay to have sex." Also, you said students should have the right to have their decisions confidential or not. I think if teens are having sex this young its an issue their parents need to know about. Personally, I think it would be awkward for a mom if her daughter came home telling her she was expecting a baby in 9 weeks. The whole picture needs to be looked at. I enjoyed your blog.

Justin.S said...

how can sex be dangrous? your right the have the right to make the safe choice but they also have the right to meake the wrong one. you cant really control it. what if they don't whant to take the pills or get a condum? the school cant force them to get the stuff. right? thats their won dichison if they whant to have sex or not.

Cameron A. said...

You are right on this one, it is horrible that people would even try to have sex without birthcontrol,I belive that these stupid people would not even get anywhere if they stayed in highschool so they might as well drop out.Also,even if these teens had birth control available I do not think that they would be smart enough to use it.

Jacob P said...

OK ya schools do have birth rules and pelanties. And they dont just let things go.